Iodine Nutrition – a lens on the Sub-sharan Africa population£0.00
Iodine is an essential trace mineral, vital for its functions in many physiological processes in the human body such as the synthesis of thyroid hormones to regulate different metabolic…
Scientific Writing for Publication£14.99
This webinar is supported by Public Health Nutrition. This webinar is a condensed version of a workshop that was hosted by The Nutrition Society at the 2023 South African…
Mediterranean diet and menopause£14.99
Menopausal transition is associated with weight gain and increased visceral fat distribution and certain metabolic disorders, including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. With an ageing population there is…
Being Vegan – the importance of B12£14.99
Plant based diets, including vegetarian and vegan diets are becoming increasingly popular, motivated by several factors including health, dietary preferences, food choice and concerns regarding the long-term sustainability of…
Maintaining scientific integrity in the translation of complex nutrition science£14.99
This webinar is hosted in partnership with Nutritionists in Industry (NII). In a world of pseudoscience, where “fake news” is a daily global issue, it’s never been more important…
Deep dive into the POV of the retailer£14.99
This webinar is hosted in partnership with Nutritionists in Industry (NII). Industry Nutritionists work amongst a diverse range of projects and hold varying levels of responsibility within the food…
Early Origins of Adult Metabolic Diseases£14.99
Nutrition in utero and/or during early childhood, critical periods of growth, has major influences on health in adulthood. This concept is termed as the developmental origins of adult health…
Plant-based diets – quality makes a difference£14.99
Foods or food groups, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, are the foundation of many healthful dietary patterns. They are especially emphasised by plant-based dietary…
The science of intermittent fasting- men vs women£14.99
Intermittent fasting has gained tremendous popularity over the last decade not only as a weight loss regime but as an effective way for improving blood glucose control, optimising lipid…
Challenges Nutritionists in Industry are facing and how science can support the solution£14.99
This webinar is hosted in partnership with Nutritionists in Industry (NII). Industry Nutritionists work amongst a diverse range of projects and hold varying levels of responsibility within the food…
Physiological and nutrition challenges for the female athlete£14.99
While each female athlete will face their own unique set of challenges, some common nutritional concerns include low energy availability (LEA) states, insufficient carbohydrate intake, and certain micronutrient deficiencies…
Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) for optimal health through the life course (Part Two)£14.99
The importance of omega-3 fatty acids is well documented but what are the real implications to health across the life course? Different dietary sources provide different amounts and types…