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Dr Gary Mendoza

Dr. Mendoza’s backgroundis in personal training (PT); he holds British & US qualifications in PT and has been a PT for 30 years. Whilst working as a personal trainer he studied nutrition, graduating with a 1st in Applied Human Nutrition from the University of Wales. He moved into training trainers and developed a successful nutrition and weight management course; this course formed the basis of his doctoral research. In 2006 he was awarded a PhD in nutrition, specialising in a multi-dimensional treatment for overweight and obese males. A big part of this research looked at the psychology of change. Gary has undertaken further training in Motivational Interviewing (MI).

He has continued training in this field, completing advanced MI training, introduction to counselling and a level 5 diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Gary’s other area of expertise is sports nutrition. He was programme leader for advanced sports nutrition at Massey University in New Zealand and trained with Sports Dietitians Australia. Gary lectures in nutrition for sport and exercise at Bath Spa & Cardiff Metropolitan Universities and is an Academic Associate member of the SENr. He is director of ‘Stages of Change Ltd’ and delivers Behaviour Change Workshops. Gary is passionate about raising the standard of nutrition and behavior change education in the leisure industry. He wants the industry to move to an evidence-based delivery of nutrition and behavior change and wants trainers to deliver effective and safe nutrition & weight loss programmes.

1 Course
227 Students