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Dr Dominic Farsi

Dr Dominic Farsi (RNutr) is a nutritional scientist and Postdoctoral Research Associate at King’s College London. Dominic’s research interests primarily involve dietary interventions and exploring the gut microbiome in health and disease via bioinformatic analyses.

Dominic completed his PhD (2022) on the effects mycoprotein-based meat substitution on colorectal cancer risk and systemic health markers at Northumbria University. He followed this with postdoctoral research at Queen’s University Belfast, investigating the impact of a Mediterranean diet and exercise intervention on nutritional status and cognitive function of older adults at risk of malnutrition and cognitive decline. This was followed by postdoctoral research at Teagasc Food Research Centre in Cork, Ireland, where he primarily performed bioinformatic research in fermented foods and the gut microbiome. He is currently involved in multiple research initiatives at King’s College London, investigating the effects of diet in gut health and the gut microbiome.

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