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Dr Katie Adolphus

Dr Katie Adolphus, Research Fellow, Human Appetite Research Unit, School of Psychology, University of Leeds

Dr Katie Adolphus is a research fellow at the Human Appetite Research Unit, School of Psychology, University of Leeds and is co-investigator on the H3 project: Healthy soil, Healthy food and Healthy people’. She is working on fibre reformulation with the food industry and its benefits to health. She has recently completed an MRC Fellowship at King’s College London investigating dietary modulation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis via short-chain fatty acids and microbiota–gut–brain communication.

Her PhD research has involved systematic reviews, human dietary intervention studies, and epidemiological studies that have demonstrated effects of breakfast consumption on cognition, academic performance, and in-class behaviour in children and adolescents. She is also an AfN Registered nutritionist (two specialist areas of competence: Food Industry Nutritionist and Nutrition Scientist) and had previously worked in the food industry as a commercial nutritionist.

Dr Adolphus also has expertise on nutrition and health claims legislation and authorisation process in the context of nutrition and cognitive function, and has previously led the compilation of a dossier for submission to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA) pursuant to a proprietary health claim under the EU Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation.

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