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Dr Mariëtte Abrahams

Dr Mariëtte Abrahams is the CEO and Founder of Qina, the first platform and specialised consultancy that helps companies explore, connect and innovate in Personalised nutrition.

Qina provides market intelligence, research and innovation services by combining intelligence tools and domain expertise via a global network handpicked consultants. Mariette started her career in the NHS and moved into working in industry as a scientific and medical affairs dietitian, and then freelance consultant. She set up Qina in 2019 and has since become a frequent international keynote speaker, guest lecturer and industry thought leader on the topic of technology in nutrition and health. She has published several papers in peer-reviewed journals, and serves as an external advisory board member of the Personalised Nutrition Initiative at the University of Illinois (Chicago). Mariette holds a BSc Nutrition & Dietetics, an MBA and a PhD. Her thesis entitled “Determinants of the Application of personalised nutrition and associated technologies in dietetics practice – A mixed-methods study of key stakeholders in personalised nutrition“ won the Dean’s award for most innovative thesis.

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