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Discount Code The Mediterranean diet for exercise performance and health✓Applied sports nutrition in dance: careers and insights✓Applied sports nutrition: careers and insights✓Oral health and multimorbidity: is diet the chicken or the egg?✓Shifting towards plant proteins in older adults: a focus on protein quality✓Workplace diet and health: from research to practice✓Fungi vs plants – taxonomy, value and dietary role✓Exercise and Postprandial Metabolism of Fuels✓Dietary choices following cancer diagnosis & the impact on treatment✓Tournament nutrition: What’s at play?✓The impact of nutrition on age-related disease risk: From biomarkers to disease burden✓Omega-3 fatty acids and brain development✓Dietary (poly)phenols and cardiometabolic health: what is the evidence?✓Mycoprotein-based meat substitution: the impact on markers of gut and cardiovascular health✓Age related loss of muscle mass: Counteracting through lifestyle strategies✓Anaemia and hypertension during pregnancy: could riboflavin deficiency be implicated?✓Cancer – the impact of diet✓Stable isotope methodology to determine amino acid requirements in cats✓Ultra-processed foods, diet quality and human health✓Consumption of beef and red meat: cognitive outcomes across the lifespan✓Diet and the gut: establishing treatments, improving patient care and tackling trends✓Going beyond the surface: how stable isotopes are advancing nutrition research✓Athletes’ perspectives on ultra-processed sports foods✓Food systems transformation for healthy diets: What would it take?✓Sex and gender in sports nutrition research: bridging the gap✓Challenges in defining processed foods✓Controversies around the dietary management of cholesterol✓Scientific Writing for Publication✓Diet on health in prisons – from research findings to practice initiatives✓Myth busting non-sugar sweeteners✓Fighting back against fake news! FENS guidance publications for writing and reviewing press releases✓Iodine Nutrition – a lens on the Sub-saharan Africa population✓New technologies measuring food and nutrient intakes: showcasing myfood24✓Entrepreneurship in nutrition technology – skills you need to thrive in a digital world✓Breakfast consumption and cognitive and academic performance in school children✓Say Nuts to health! With reference to pistachio research✓Mediterranean diet and menopause✓Being Vegan – the importance of B12✓Maintaining scientific integrity in the translation of complex nutrition science✓SACN’s ‘Feeding young children aged 1 to 5 years’ report✓Deep dive into the POV of the retailer✓Early origins of adult metabolic diseases✓Plant-based diets – quality makes a difference✓Challenges Nutritionists in Industry are facing and how science can support the solution✓Physiological and nutrition challenges for the female athlete✓The science of intermittent fasting- men vs women✓Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) for optimal health through the life course (Part Two)✓Communication considerations for food and supplement brands✓Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) for optimal health through the life course (Part One)✓Accuracy and Reliability of Analytical Data in Informing Nutritional Policies✓Chrononutrition: What’s The Latest?✓Bio-fortification – the international benefit✓Improving adolescents’ dietary behaviours in the school-setting challenges and opportunities✓Personalised nutrition for metabolic health✓Folic acid fortification of food: Health effects and next steps✓Systematic reviews: how to perform and interpret✓Statistics for nutrition research – SPSS✓How to get published✓Childhood Obesity: How do we tackle the major public health issue?✓Peer reviewing: the process and where to begin✓The optimal diet – So many pieces to that pie!✓Type 2 Diabetes: From physiology to management✓Effectiveness of behavioural interventions for weight management✓Intermittent fasting: more harm than good?✓One Nutrition Symposium- BSAS Conference 2022✓Sustainable animal protein for human health✓Gut microbiome: between host genetics and environmental determinants✓Introduction to Human Nutrition✓Making behaviour change work✓Manipulating the rumen microbiome✓Micronutrient supplementation in animal nutrition and impact on human health✓Supporting teenagers living with obesity✓Malnutrition: why is it affecting the elderly✓Behaviour change and food – perspectives from an interested non-expert✓Job interviews – a personal perspective✓Come for the selfies, stay for the science!✓Obesity and influenza vaccinations: Lessons learned for COVID-19✓The latest on low carbohydrate diets for sports performance✓From paper to podium-translating sport nutrition research to the sports field✓Non-extreme dieting and exercise for safe and effective weight loss – A scientists’ perspective✓Omega-3’s: A place in performance sport?✓Prepare for the job market – a personal perspective✓Nutrition and inflammatory skin disease- current understanding and future perspectives✓Optimal diet and lifestyle strategies for the management of cardio-metabolic risk✓Nutrition and exercise interventions in cancer and cachexia✓Disorders of the digestive tract and probiotic use – Dispelling myths✓Low carbohydrate and type 2 diabetes: is lower always better?✓Gut Microbiome: Can it really affect our health?✓Considerations and cases in precision nutrition✓Personalised nutrition: What’s the latest?✓NDNS: Diet and physical activity – a follow-up study during COVID-19✓SACN report on Lower Carbohydrate Diets for Adults with Type 2 Diabetes✓Busting Nutrition Health Claims✓Dietary health in poverty and uncertainty✓Food waste and consumer behaviour✓Environmentally sustainable diets – opportunities for nutrition professionals✓Tips for presenting an abstract✓Insulin resistance and dysregulation in the horse: potential role of diet and exercise✓Menopause and dietary implications✓Vegan and vegetarian diets in children✓Obesity and the ageing brain: what are the risks?✓The metabolic and molecular regulation of physical activity and nutrition in skeletal muscle, in relation to ageing✓Methodological considerations for studies in sport and exercise nutrition with women as participants✓Fuelling gut microbes✓Nutrition science communication: leaving no one behind✓Information and information challenges✓Starving for nutrients: reconciling the paradox of anorexia during infection – Blaxter Award Winner Lecture✓ Account Information Already have an account? 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