Menopause and dietary implications£14.99
Menopause, defined as the complete cessation of menstrual periods, marks the end of the female reproductive life. With ageing of the population, it is estimated that 1.2 billion women…
Vegan and vegetarian diets in children£14.99
In parallel with increased public awareness of the health and environmental benefits of consuming a plant-based diet, the demand for meat-free food products has surged, alongside sharp increases in…
Obesity and the ageing brain: what are the risks?£14.99
The relationship between obesity and cognitive function is becoming clearer. Mid-life obesity has been cited as a significant risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia in later life…
The metabolic and molecular regulation of physical activity and nutrition in skeletal muscle, in relation to ageing£14.99
Increases in muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and decreases in muscle protein breakdown (MPB) associated with food-intake are fundamental processes underlying day-to-day skeletal muscle maintenance. Increasing circulatory essential amino acids…
Methodological considerations for studies in sport and exercise nutrition with women as participants£14.99
Data on eumenorrheic females is scarce and is often low to moderate quality, which is due to a number of reasons: (i) there is a shortage of specialist knowledge…
Fuelling gut microbes£14.99
The gastrointestinal microbiota, a collection of trillions of microorganisms within the intestinal tract, has metabolic, immunologic, and protective functions that contribute to health. Diet and exercise affect the composition…
Nutrition science communication: leaving no one behind£14.99
In the era of digital information overload and amidst the malnutrition crisis, communication of accurate and actionable nutrition information remains both a challenge and a priority. Communication to the…
Information and information challenges£0.00
In collaboration with International Food Information Service (IFIS). In today’s information landscape, finding information can feel, superficially, extremely easy. Billions of research articles are published electronically. Multiple tools are…
Starving for nutrients: reconciling the paradox of anorexia during infection – Blaxter Award Winner Lecture£14.99
Questions posed at a higher level, such as at a whole-body metabolism level, can help us to achieve understanding of functional mechanisms, as opposed to understanding of causal mechanisms…