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Dr Laura Stewart

Dr Laura Stewart is an award-winning Registered Dietitian who currently runs her own business AppleTree Healthy Lifestyle Consultancy and (until November 2020) is a Professional Adviser to the Scottish Government on their Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Framework.

Laura worked in NHS childhood weight management for over 25 years as a practitioner, manager and researcher. She is a published author of over 30 articles in peer reviewed journals and textbook chapters on the topic, including being the lead author of the chapter on childhood obesity in the 2017 Public Health Nutrition 2nd Edition, Nutrition Society Textbook Series.

Laura retired from her role of NHS Tayside’s Nutrition and Dietetic Services Lead for the child and adult weight management team and the diabetes dietetic team in 2018.

Laura is a past Chair of the British Dietetic Association’s Obesity Specialist Group and is currently an ordinary member of the committee. She was a member of the working groups for the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidance Network (SIGN) 2003 and 2010 Obesity Guidelines. She was the lead author for the recently publish BDA’s Obesity Specialist Group’s Dietetic Obesity Management Interventions in Children and Young People: Review & Clinical Application.

In 2018 Laura was awarded the British Dietetics Association’s Ibex Award for showing personal commitment and significant contributions to the profession of dietetics. She has previously won the BDA’s Elizabeth Washington Award (2006) and was named in the BDA’s role of honour in 2006, 2007 and 2010.

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