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Dr Ana Rodriguez-Mateos

Dr Rodriguez-Mateos is a Reader at the Department of Nutritional Sciences of King’s College London. Her research aims to investigate the health benefits of plant foods and phytochemicals, with a strong focus on understanding the bioavailability, metabolism and cardiovascular health benefits of dietary (poly)phenols. More recent interests include the investigation of the role of the gut microbiome on the health benefits of phytochemicals, and the development of biomarkers of food intake using metabolomic approaches. Her expertise includes development and validation of analytical methods for the analysis of foods and biological samples using LC/GC-MS and performance of randomized controlled trials with cardiovascular outcomes.

She is a Registered Nutritionist, Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry and Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy. She is also the Programme Director of the BSc in Nutritional Sciences, an Associate Editor for the Journal Food and Function, and member of the UK and American Nutrition Societies. She is the co-chair of the Special Interest Group on Phytochemicals and Health of the Nutrition Society and was awarded the Nutrition Society Silver Medal award in 2023 in recognition of excellence in Nutritional Sciences.

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