Lauren Devine
Lauren Devine is a PhD researcher within The Nutrition Innovation Centre for Food and Health (NICHE) at Ulster University under the supervision of Dr Alyson Hill and Professor Alison Gallagher. She began her PhD in 2019 after completing her BSc (Hons) (First Class) degree in Food Design and Nutrition. Her PhD focuses on influencing dietary behaviours in adolescents to reduce the risk of obesity using mixed method approaches, with particular focus on adolescents’ dietary choices within the post-primary school-setting and strategies for improvement. Lauren has presented her research at Scientific conferences and events including The Nutrition Society UK Winter Conference in 2021, The Nutrition Society Irish Section Conference, in which she was awarded best poster presentation in June 2021 and was one of the Postgraduate Competition winners in June 2022 and The Ulster University PhD Festival of Research in which she was awarded best oral presentation in 2022.
Alongside her PhD, Lauren is actively involved within NICHE, Ulster University as the current PhD representative and has also gained teaching experience in undergraduate and postgraduate nutrition modules, leading to the successful completion of the Higher Education Academy Associate Fellowship (AFHEA) in 2021. Lauren was also previously Nutrition Society Irish Section Student Representative (2020-2022), a member of The Nutrition Society Student Section (2020-2022) and a member of the organising committee for The Nutrition Society Irish Section Postgraduate Conference in 2022. In addition, Lauren has been a member of The Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST) Northern Ireland Branch Committee since 2019 and was previously UK Student Representative, Co-Chair and Chair of the IFST UK student group (2019-2022).